
Corporate Training


Meditation & Wellness

Federal Job Search

Our clients have said:

“Leigh has a unique way of making each and every one of her clients think they have a personal coach and mentor. I can say this because I have talked with a number of her past and present clients and can speak freely on their behalf. 



We provide outplacement services for companies in all industries and for employees in all levels of positions within an organization.    Services can be offered in both individual and group settings.   Both services cover the following topics: 

Outplacement services include a co-authored, 100+ page manual.

Bridge Career Management | Atlanta, GA
© 2010 all rights reserved

Common challenges?

“We are reducing our workforce and want to provide outplacement services in resume writing, job search, interviewing, and salary negotiations.”

Innovative Solutions:


Our outplacement team has extensive experience working with individuals experiencing corporate restructuring. We offer a full array of outplacement services for groups of all sizes.